Friday, May 14, 2010

Is it really over???

Source: eesiflo

Wow, who would have thought we’d get out of this. I thought I was a dead student. I’m glad things are stabilizing but I feel we must be prepared in case we run into this problem again. We should stop taking oil for granted and be willing to make changes in our lives. From all of this harsh experience I learn some personal changes that need to be made in order to prevent another oil crisis is to start carpooling with a friend, walk instead of drive, unplug electronics when you are not using them or start using manual tools for the garden. The community needs to start shopping at local stores, and begin or continue recycling oil or reusing it. The government needs to stop depending on oil so much because we barely made it from this recent oil crisis.

I have already started making changes in my life to decrease my carbon footprint. Now I continue to recycle, use the plastic bags from the markets as trash bags, and I even unplug the electronics in my room every time I leave my house. Anyone can start doing these things or continue too and be saving oil, it’s so simple to do these things and it won’t take much time away from you. So why not contribute knowing that it won’t take much of your time away and you would be helping and making our oil last more. I will resist slipping back into old habits for the fact that I already know what it feels like to be in a world without oil and don’t want to undergo this again. L

Source: sites.epals

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Rough Times for Captain Frank

Source: foxnews

Life is so good when you are the captain of a cargo ship. JYou learn about different types of goods you never seen before, drive the ship, crack jokes with your crew mates, and even get paid a reasonable price of 15 to 100 dollars per hour. Just when you feel like you at the top all of a sudden you come crashing down because an oil spill occurs in the gulf. Now we have to change all of our routes and find other ways to get to the destination. I have to raise the prices on transporting goods because it is going to cost more to deliver the goods since we have to take a longer route. I might even lose my job because no one will want to pay more to transport their goods. I am going to be really depressed and try to not think about it with alcohol. What am I to do perhaps drink until this is all over if I’m still alive? My world is coming to an end. L

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Who's Next?

Well it’s been a couple of weeks without oil and I must say this is horrible. A couple of businesses closed down like some gasoline stations and several dealers because people do not think buying cars right now with oil shortage is a good idea. Some people have lost their jobs due to the closing of businesses which is kind of harsh because now they are not going to make money to buy their needs. This worries me because I am not assured that I am going to keep my job.

So far the actions I am taking to become self sustainable are to start eating healthier, look for another job, and start riding a bike to work. Now to get from one place to another I am going to walk or ride my bike. I noticed that elasticity is playing a role in this economic crisis because now consumers ask for more or less demand depending on the change in price. For example, demand for soda is less since the price increased. Hopefully things get better over time because this is driving me insane to ride my bike everywhere and come back home smelling like sweat. L

Source: besportier

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Let's Shop Healthy

OMG!!! Today I was looking at my water bottle and found out that it comes all the way Connecticut. It takes 2476 miles for bottled water to come to us. I’m surprised, who knew it would take so many miles. Now I am really concerned about a food shortage. To purchase something like an orange would take so long to attain especially because I can’t drive my truck no more, the increase prices will make it harder to purchase a lot, and there might not be any in local stores. What am I to do?

Source: static.panoramio

I learned about locavores which is someone who only consumes local products and frankenfood which is food that is chemically generated. I also learned that organic food is safer to eat than non organic food because consuming too much non organic food can lead to the body growing immune to medicine. This means if you were to get sick some medicine might not have any effect on you because of the huge amount of chemicals you consumed which can result in you dying. A couple of local stores that offers local products in my area are Family Farms, and Fresh & Easy. The closest farmer’s market to me is Sprouts Farmers Market. It is located on 5660 South Sepulveda Boulevard, Culver City, CA 90230-6122 which takes 7.9 miles from my home. Shopping is going to take a long time but our bodies need food. Sprouts Farmers Market contain the best organic foods. Good thing I am considering shopping here. J There fruits and vegetables are always sweet, soft, nice, delicious, and fresh. Is it going to be worth paying a little more or traveling a little more than the usual? Hmm...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Now that we are short on oil, the government will not be making a lot of money by gas taxes, or U.S. airline flights because they are being cancelled. Loads of people now even have to walk to their destination because of the lack of oil and high gas prices. I am amongst those people; a student, and I have to walk everywhere including school, the market, the laundry, my job and even when I go out with friends. People are not even traveling anymore because it’s either too expensive or it will take them too long to get to their destination walking.

Source: flightglobal


So far I gave up driving my truck and it feels bad because it takes me more time to get to my destinations. I also gave up a couple of more things like buying a lot of shoes and clothes. Now I am using less detergent on my clothes and am even cutting back on the amount of toothpaste I use daily. I know gross right. =/ The alternatives I have now are to walk everywhere I want to go unless I hitch a ride from someone who is going to the same place or around there and cut back on my daily uses so they can last more. I feel bad about the actions I have to take but you got to do what you got to do. :(

Monday, April 26, 2010

How Do We Know?

Source: upload.wikimedia

As I was attending my political studies class today, I learned what supply and demand is. Supply is what goods or service producers are willing to sell and at what price. Demand is the quantity of how much of a product or service, consumers can and are willing to buy. I also took an online quiz to show how much I know about oil. As I finished the quiz it showed the correct answers to the incorrect ones. I was really surprised to find out that no country publishes information about its reserves. OH MY GOD!!! I can’t believe that there is no information to make predictions on when we will be out of oil. If people knew by when we would be exactly out of oil they would step up and do something about it.

Source: 2.bp.blogspot

Friday, April 23, 2010

Uses of Oil

Today my teacher was giving a lesson about petroleum and I learned oil is relied on everyday. Oil is used in almost every single thing like gasoline for our cars, paint for our houses, and detergent for our clothes. Without detergent our clothes are not going to be as clean as before when we wash them and they will not lose the germs because we would just be washing it with just water. =( Even for medicines like pain reliever pills, and canned food to increase how long it can last. Without the help off pain relieve pills people will have to undergo the pain. =/ There was one thing I found most surprising, it was how we have let oil become "vital to virtually everything we do. " People have been focused on finding more uses for oil, not realizing they are depleting our oil resources at a fast pace.
Source: 1staidsupplies

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life Without My Truck

Source: PicsHoobly
Today I heard about the oil shortage. I'm so worried because my truck and everyone else's truck or cars need oil to run. Whether it might be gasoline or the engine oil, brake oil, transmission oil, we are running low. I'm frustrated because now I have to walk to my job, to school, an even to the market, because most of the transportation needs oil we do not have. Today might be the last day I ride my baby. :( It is going to hurt to be seeing it everyday in one spot rusting.