Friday, April 23, 2010

Uses of Oil

Today my teacher was giving a lesson about petroleum and I learned oil is relied on everyday. Oil is used in almost every single thing like gasoline for our cars, paint for our houses, and detergent for our clothes. Without detergent our clothes are not going to be as clean as before when we wash them and they will not lose the germs because we would just be washing it with just water. =( Even for medicines like pain reliever pills, and canned food to increase how long it can last. Without the help off pain relieve pills people will have to undergo the pain. =/ There was one thing I found most surprising, it was how we have let oil become "vital to virtually everything we do. " People have been focused on finding more uses for oil, not realizing they are depleting our oil resources at a fast pace.
Source: 1staidsupplies

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOD!!! Oil is used in all those things?? How extraordinary. I can not imagine a world without medication or pain killers. That would be very hard. All the food they sell in the stores will go to waste if oil is no longer available. It's amazing how oil can have a great influence in our lives.
    I really liked that you stated some things and included images of such that contain oil and will be affected by the oil shortage. All the sources function correctly. The only thing I would say you can improve on is stating how the lack of all the resources that use oil can affect us. For example without pain killers people will have a hard time overcoming diseases. GREAT BLOG.
