Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Who's Next?

Well it’s been a couple of weeks without oil and I must say this is horrible. A couple of businesses closed down like some gasoline stations and several dealers because people do not think buying cars right now with oil shortage is a good idea. Some people have lost their jobs due to the closing of businesses which is kind of harsh because now they are not going to make money to buy their needs. This worries me because I am not assured that I am going to keep my job.

So far the actions I am taking to become self sustainable are to start eating healthier, look for another job, and start riding a bike to work. Now to get from one place to another I am going to walk or ride my bike. I noticed that elasticity is playing a role in this economic crisis because now consumers ask for more or less demand depending on the change in price. For example, demand for soda is less since the price increased. Hopefully things get better over time because this is driving me insane to ride my bike everywhere and come back home smelling like sweat. L

Source: besportier

1 comment:

  1. Ewww.....I had not thought about that. Riding a bike to far places can really make someone become smelly. =[ But sometimes and specially with this oil crisis, it is hard to maintain ourselves in an automobile. Everything is expensive now and riding our bikes can really save us some money. Oh you work? In what?

    You did a good job stating that the oil crisis is affecting the employed. Many are losing their jobs, however, you did not suscribe yourself as an employee. Rather, you stated you were a student but did not mention anything student-wise. Stay in character! ^_^
