Monday, May 10, 2010

The Rough Times for Captain Frank

Source: foxnews

Life is so good when you are the captain of a cargo ship. JYou learn about different types of goods you never seen before, drive the ship, crack jokes with your crew mates, and even get paid a reasonable price of 15 to 100 dollars per hour. Just when you feel like you at the top all of a sudden you come crashing down because an oil spill occurs in the gulf. Now we have to change all of our routes and find other ways to get to the destination. I have to raise the prices on transporting goods because it is going to cost more to deliver the goods since we have to take a longer route. I might even lose my job because no one will want to pay more to transport their goods. I am going to be really depressed and try to not think about it with alcohol. What am I to do perhaps drink until this is all over if I’m still alive? My world is coming to an end. L

1 comment:

  1. Well hello there Captain Frank. lol. I am really sorry about the oil spill and the effects it is having on you. But goods and their transportation are always necessary and people will pay for them either way. I do not think you are going to lose your job. It is going to take a while for you to get used to the new routes but you can do it!!

    Good job. You stayed in character. :)
